Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Debbie McKenzie

Debbie McKenzie works in 'Kist' charity boutique which is an extremely new venture compared with the surrounding units which have been established for several decades.

"Kist has only been open for 6 weeks now. A charity boutique is what we call it. The charity is 'Health and Happiness in the Highlands' but the shop's name is Kist because I don't think that would fit on the sign! I'm really excited about the shop because it's just so nice and friendly here.

I think Inverness will take to vintage shopping because I reckon it's much needed. Most of the charity shops in Inverness sell a bit of everything but we specialise in the women's line. I went around and did a few surveys with local people and friends of mine and found that folk didn't really go charity shopping.

I tried to make Kist look as high street as possible so it appeals to a wide audience, especially in times of a recession where people don't have as much money to go shopping. If you're not used to shopping in charity shops, I felt that this would make the transition a bit easier. We try and put out the best of the donations we receive. What we don't use, we sell to a textile merchant and we're also starting to make our own bits and pieces, working on an alteration service."

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